Regarding cats, one thing is for sure: nobody knows their pregnancies like cats do. In fact, there are many theories about the length of a cat’s pregnancy, but nobody can be certain for certain. That said, we know that cats give birth to kittens around four months old. So, if you want to know how long are cats pregnant, start counting!

How Many Months is a Cat Pregnant?

A woman’s average pregnancy is about 26 weeks long. A cat’s gestation period is about 63 days, which means that a pregnant cat will have her kittens around the end of February or the beginning of March.

How Does a Cat Get Pregnant?

A cat’s reproductive organs are situated in the pelvic region. The male cat’s reproductive system, including the penis and testes, is located inside the abdominal cavity. The female reproductive organs are above the vagina in front of the urinary bladder. During copulation (between a male and female), the male cat thrusts his penis into the female’s vagina and deposits semen into her uterus. This fertilizes the egg, which is then implanted in the uterine wall by either sperm or ovum carrier cells called lymphocytes. From there, gestation occurs as an embryo grows and develops within the uterine lining over 9 to 11 weeks.

What are the Signs of a Cat Being Pregnant?

The signs of a pregnant cat may not be obvious to the human eye, but they are there. A pregnant cat will gain weight, and her abdomen will be inflated. She may also become more active, especially during the day, and urinate more frequently. If you suspect your cat is pregnant, taking her to a veterinarian for a checkup is important. The vet can determine the health of the pregnancy and give you advice on how to care for your cat during and after the birth.

When Should You Worry About Your Cat’s Pregnancy?

When you should start to worry about your cat’s pregnancy depends on the species and whether your cat is spayed or neutered. Generally, however, cats are pregnant for around eighty days and give birth to kittens within four to six weeks. If you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior or if she seems uncomfortable, take her to the veterinarian for a checkup.

How to Tell if Your Cat is Already Pregnant

If you have a female cat that is not spayed, she is likely pregnant within 8 to 12 weeks after mating. If you have a male cat, he is likely pregnant within 6 to 8 weeks after mating. However, pregnancies can take anywhere from 4 to 9 months to develop into a kitten. The time it takes for your cat to give birth will depend on her breed and whether she’s spayed. Some cats deliver their kittens between eight and twelve weeks after mating, while others may take up to sixteen weeks or more.

What to Do if Your Cat is Giving Birth

If your cat is pregnant, and you want to know how many months she has been pregnant, her behavior will give you a good idea. If your cat is going into heat, she may become more active and try to make contact with other cats. She may also start to groom herself more frequently and urinate or defecate more often. In some cases, a female cat may even show signs of lactating, such as being reluctant to eat or drink.


Cats can produce kittens for anywhere from one to twelve months, with six being the average. Kittens can be born as early as four weeks after their mother has been impregnated and as late as eight weeks.


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